Thursday, July 12, 2012

A little Namibian info for ya.....

Wow! Two weeks from today we will finally be in Namibia, our home away from home, for the next 27 months! Here’s a little info about Namibia for those of you who are a little curious... Namibia is located on the southwest coast of Africa. It borders Angola and Zambia in the north, Botswana in the east, South Africa in the southeast and south, and the Atlantic Ocean in the west. It’s about twice the size of California and has a population of about 2 million people...sooo it’s pretty sprawled out. Namibia boasts 300 days of sunshine per year with temperatures ranging from over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer (October to April), to below freezing in the winter (May to September). It’s a predominately Christian country and English is the official language (but we read that only 7% of the people actually speak English – strange if you ask me), and several native languages are also spoken in different regions. We have no idea which language we need to learn, but we will find out during our training when they decide what village/town/city will serve in for the full two years. Anyway, Namibia gained independence from South Africa in 1990, and the Peace Corps sent its first volunteers there just 6 months later. Currently there are 143 volunteers serving in Namibia. Soon we will be part of that group, WHOOP:)
