Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Where are we going for 2 years? Good question.

We just found out we are going to a small village called MAYARA! It is right on the Kavango River in the northernmost part of the country.

Ignore Lindsey's finger, it is by my finger. I'm not sure what she was pointing at....
So in the rural villages in Namibia, it is very common for the teachers to actually live on the school campus in teacher housing. A majority of the students also live on campus in hostels. We were told we will have one half of a duplex type house, and will not have running water, but will have "access" to running water and electricity.... so I don't know if that means we actually have electricity in our place or not. We were specifically told that we will not have running water though. I don't really know that much about the village as of now, but I wanted to let all of you know where we are going. We have been told it is in an AWESOME location, and it is definitely in one of the prettier parts of Namibia. Again, we are going for a site visit later this week, so I will be able to give much more detail.
On Saturday, all of the trainers and trainees got together, and the trainers cooked a traditional "dish" from their region. NOT the best food I have ever had - cow stomach, cow tongue, goat head, and cooked worms just to name a few..... uhhh, it was a little rough on the stomach. Have you ever wondered what the inside of a cow stomach looks like? Well, it most closely resembles a coral reef and is rubbery like squid. Oh, and it tastes like death. Ha, but I did get to slaughter a chicken. See below.

Oh, this was before the blood started gushing.
One of our little host sisters.

Our walk home everday at sunset.


  1. Following is a message from Blake. Nice chicken head . Was the chicken alive in the first photo. I'm glad I don't have to eat cow stomach. Ate pasta and roast beef tonight. Do you want me to send you some?

  2. Definitely send some roast beef our way!!! Do you think it would still be good by the time it gets here!!!??? haha:)
